Alliance News & Upcoming Events

The Alliance strengthens Lake County’s Social Service Sector by increasing collaboration, sharing resources, and amplifying the voices of those experiencing poverty in the County.


Alliance Book Club

Each quarter, the Alliance community meets  to discuss a book that resonates with social service providers and others connected to the social service sector. Often these books provide insight, amplify the voices of those experiencing poverty, and connect us to each other. 

This quarter’s book is “Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness” written by Rick Hanson, PhD, a psychologist, Senior Fellow of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times best-selling author. The book explains how we can overcome the brain’s negativity bias, release painful thoughts and feelings & replace them with self-compassion, self-worth, joy, and inner peace.

Read the book ; sign up; and join us on Thursday May 11th at 4 pm..